
2016年11月23日10:43     来源:人民网-人民视频

In a 10-minute exclusive interview with People's Daily online, WHO Representative to China, Dr Bernhard Schwartlander used the word "stellar" three times, while sharing opinion on China's health progress.

"China have lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. Of course, poverty is very much linked to health and health status of the population. We have seen, over the last generation, a cut in maternal mortality by fourfold. And today, a person living in Shanghai can expect to live longer than a person on average live in United States of America. These are massive achievements that China has seen," said him.

In the interview, he rated China's efforts in curbing child mortality, its vaccine system and hepatitis B control as "outstanding in the whole world", and said the wide health insurance coverage in China "is a real success story that we have hardly seen in the other countries." 

Host: Ma Danning
